A chronicle of my attempts to live a classy life as a single girl in the Nation's Capital

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Target Ad

I love hats and wish I could wear them more (as  mentioned in this previous post).  But I often say to family and friends "where would I wear it though?" I feel like I need to be doing something "hatty"  like sipping tea, picnicking, watching horse races etc. in order to justify the hat.  Which is why I absolutely love this ad from Target I say today. 

I totally wear hats. Time to get them out of my closet and wear them around places outside my apartment.


thecottageroom said...

HA! Thought of you when I saw this on TV. See, it's catching on...

Unknown said...

I want to totally wear hats to! I know the feeling though of oddity when you wear one to the grocery store and feel like everyone is staring and asking " why is she wearing a hat" when they are probably really saying, "wow what an awesome hat"