The Carte Noir Readers site (Click here for the site ) features 4 British men reading excerpts from classics and contemporary literature (ranging from Austen to Scott Turow) and apparently was designed just for me.
Bookish men with gorgeous British accents reading great prose to me. Leather chairs, piles of books nearby, steaming mug of coffee (tea would be better though) I just melt.... They tell you to pour a mug of coffee and sit comfortably. I say pour a glass of chardonnay and try to refrain from giggling like a little school girl. Here are some screen-shots:
Here is Joseph Finnes (Shakespeare in Love) reading Far From the Madding Crowd
This is Dan Stevens, a popular BBC actor, reading from Saving Caravaggio
Dominic West (The Wire) reading from Pride and Prejudice
Greg Wise (Emma Thompson's husband and popular Brit actor) reading from Persuasion
I love that they are championing literature in this way; I certainly find it entertaining. Now I'm going to go watch a few more videos--where are men like this in real life??
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Whether in combat training, board rooms or classrooms, gaming can add much to our daily lives. We can meet new people and increase our knowledge and abilities as we enjoy a change of pace from our daily routines. The following article has online game tips and tricks that you can apply today.
Turn off chatting capabilities on games for kids that are young. You should not expose your young kids to these types of communications. If the game won't let you disable chat, don't buy it. If you can't figure it out, search online for more information or talk to the people in the store.
Instead of a computer, try a regular games ps3 system for your kids gaming pleasure. It is easier to control things like privacy and content on a system than it is on a PC. They may have a much more protected experience with a ps3.
Try gaming with your kids. This can be a great way to bond with any children in the household and it's fun, as well as safe. You will also have the opportunity to ensure the games your kids play are appropriate for your family.
Be bold and give lots of kinds of computer games a try! Most people tend to play just one kind of game. By experimenting with various kinds of video games, you create a more exciting experience.
Check out ratings when buying games for children. There is a big reason why online gaming have these ratings. If the game has a rating of M or A, you should not buy it for your kids. The ESRB website will provide more information about the video rating system.
Never clean your system, no matter the age, with strong cleaners. Lightly blowing can help to remove dust, and this is often all it takes to get things up and running. You can destroy your ps3 if you use harsh chemicals on it.
The Nintendo Wii console is a useful tool to help you get into shape. There are a large number of fitness games available for the Wii system.
Play online as much as possible. Pitting yourself against the skills of other online players can improve your gaming skills and strategies. You might want to try Role Playing Games or RPGs as a way to branch out from common wii gaming. If you can master playing online, you can master any game you try.
Check the Internet for recommendations and tricks for you favorite games. When you get stuck somewhere in a game, it can frustrate you and maybe even make you give up. Consulting a walkthrough or asking other gamers on a message board is the surest way to conquer that tough level and start enjoying the game again.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
Enjoy your gaming more after having read this article. Video gaming help us escape our boring everyday lives, which we all need from time to time. Game on!
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