A chronicle of my attempts to live a classy life as a single girl in the Nation's Capital

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How NOT to Dance

Is this classy?  No.  Hilarious?  yes. 

I've said it so many times and I'll say it again: Men can not simply mimic the dance moves of women and call themselves good dancers.  There is no reason for a guy to ever "get low."  Have I known a guy to dance like this?  Sadly yes...

This video leaves me with a few questions:

1. Why is this guy from "blackbeachweek.com" interviewing a creepy, old white guy?
2. "The rippin' and the tearin'"?!?!  I don't even want that one answered. I'll just assume it's a result of too tight beach attire and horrendous dance moves.
3. Is the reason Rick has been coming to Hedonism II since 1988 because these dance moves aren't attracting any ladies?  Maybe time to add some more moves to your repertoire.  Or, maybe, act your age and stop wearing speedos.  Just a thought.

Watch with caution, you may have nightmares.  I've warned you.  


lbrockma said...
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Unknown said...

OMG!!!! ok you did warn me.... but wow that was kinda really gross.