A chronicle of my attempts to live a classy life as a single girl in the Nation's Capital

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Little Grocery Shopping

I haven't posted anything since announcing that I was going through a "quarterlife crisis," which may have made you think that I had really fallen off the deep end.  In reality I was just really busy with holiday activities... and then too used to the lazy holiday attitude to post anything.  

I still certainly feel that I need to shake things up a bit in my life, and am working on that.  I saw Black Swan twice (it's really good) and decided that I am going to take up ballet again. I am also researching the possibility of a trip to Europe this summer... there's a few really cool art programs offered.  One is in a castle outside Paris, where you spend a week making art with a group of like-minded people.  Another is a class on developing and exploring your creative process in Barcelona.  I've never been to Europe and now is the perfect time in my life to do it: no kids, summers off, no major responsibilities holding me back. We'll see. 

In the meantime, I took a little trip to the store this past week and the contents of my cart cracked me up.  So I must share:

Could she be single?  Maybe...
One large bottle of wine.  Four Stouffer's Dinners.  I was slightly embarrassed.  In my defense, I usually make a weekly menu plan and have a cart full of fresh vegetables, meat and dairy.  But, as I said, I've been lazy since the holidays.  That's stopping now. 

At least it's not as bad as my purchases during the blizzard last year.  Here's a sampling of one such trip:
  • Box of frozen chicken wings 
  • Gummy Coke bottles
  • Cheez Puffs
  • 2 bottles of wine
  • Toilet paper

At least one of the items was "necessary."  But, when you're young and single you can get away with things like this. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of the slight embarrassment at the checkout.   

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's why you need to use the self checkout! No single girl shame!!