A chronicle of my attempts to live a classy life as a single girl in the Nation's Capital

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow day, jeggins, and the end of men

This is a post of random things because I want to paste this quote from and article on my iPad. I may update it later, or not.

Today was a snow day for my school district--it's one of the benefits of my job. I really don't think it was necessary though. The snow just started (it's 4:00) and the roads were only wet earlier.

In other news, I totally caved and bought jeggings--you know those leggings that look like jeans? I groaned and laughed when I first heard about them. So I was in loehman's the other day and picked up this nice pair of skinny, dark was jeans. Then in the fitting room I saw the words "Jean leggins" on the interior tag. I had been fooled!! But I put them on anyway. And then bought them. They are awesome!! So comfortable and nice looking (but they are very expensive for jeggings). I wore them out today with a tunic sweater and slouchy boots. The whole thing felt very Audrey Hepburn. When I got home I slipped on some black ballet flats and it totally looked like something she would have worn. In short: I recommend getting some nice jeggings. But the tunic length top is essential. Leggings=tight. And the general public doesn't want to be thrust all up in your business.

And finally, the quote and the reason I am doing this post on my iPad (which is why there are no pictures)

This comes from a great article in Atlantic Monthly called "The End of Men". The article is about how women are, for the first time, dominating the workforce and college. The economy and culture is changing to one that values interpersonal skills over brawn. Women are good at this and are better at adapting. Men just keep failing to adapt and play Call of Duty. I see in in class everyday... Here's my fav quote, I so know where she's coming from:

"In February, I visited with Ashley Burress, UMKC’s student-body president. (The other three student-government officers this school year were also women.) Burress, a cute, short, African American 24-year-old grad student who is getting a doctor-of-pharmacy degree, had many of the same complaints I heard from other young women. Guys high-five each other when they get a C, while girls beat themselves up over a B-minus. Guys play video games in each other’s rooms, while girls crowd the study hall. Girls get their degrees with no drama, while guys seem always in danger of drifting away. “In 2012, I will be Dr. Burress,” she said. “Will I have to deal with guys who don’t even have a bachelor’s degree? I would like to date, but I’m putting myself in a really small pool.”

If you want to read the whole article, here is the address (iPad won't let me create a link--get with it Apple!)


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